Wednesday, October 15, 2008

P90X - Day 2 - Are We There Yet?


Day 2

Well, I'm feeling better today. What are my two worst things? Ab strength and cardio. What's on today's P90X agenda? Well, you can bet it's going to be one of those. Have I mentioned how committed to the program I am and how much I hate it already?

So, I mostly ate well yesterday and had a little Gatorade and such to make up for all the nutrients I refunded yesterday. I've stuck fairly well to my diet so far - being careful of all these crazy portions and such that I'm supposed to adhere to and "enjoy".

I wisely ate nothing prior to the workout. Here it is, 6:30 and go time.

Kicking it in today is a wide variety of cardio exercises and stretching squatting and punching and kicking that make me feel like by body is made up of Jell-o and can't support my weight. Flexibility-wise I'm okay. I remember some of the martial art type things I messed around with in high school and I can still kick as high as my head. Of course, only once though, because it seems to have this uncanny way of making my hip feel like it's coming out of its socket when I do it. Hurts.

Fortunately, we're only having to kick over the back of a chair, but it's with both legs, one following the other and then back. I never hit the chair, but I was just barely above it the whole time. I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but whatever exercises you hate the most are the ones that seem to come back around about 5 minutes later. Only this time you're supposed to "Bring It!" even harder. And, of course, you're already waaaay more tired at this point and feeling as though instead of a leg connecting your foot to your body you have a piece of cloth with a lead weight on the end that won't respond to your commands.

After this nice 46 minute brush with fainting, we're finished and I get to start doing a little yoga to cool off. I did a little of the yoga, then called it a morning.

I go up to shower and wouldn't you know it - time to throw up. Holy crap. This absolutely sucks! My body finds this 'exercise' thing so foreign that it reacts by making me ill. That's got to be it. Yeah.

Or, actually, that just helped me determine what I'd already suspected from yesterday - "Bringing It" when you haven't brought anything in 10 years makes you throw up. This is a tough program.

Cool down is a MUST.

Should have finished the yoga...

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